In WebSphere Application Server V6, the HTTP Web server is represented as a specific server type; a server type is just the identity of a particular group of configuration templates. 在WebSphereApplicationServerV6中,HTTPWeb体现为一个特定的服务器类型;服务器类型只是一个配置模板的特别组身份。
Within the MDM Server, these SAML assertions are parsed to extract the user identity and its group membership. 在MDMServer中,解析这些SAML断言,提取出用户身份和组成员关系。
STS applies any required identity mapping ( group retrieval, attribute retrieval). STS应用所需的身份映射(获取组,获取属性)。
These security attributes are the principal identity and the group information. 这些安全属性包括主体身份和组信息。
Some darknets even encrypt files and mask your identity within a group to keep eavesdroppers from finding out who you are and what you are sharing. 一些地下网络甚至在组织内部还要对文件进行加密,并且对你的身份进行伪装,以防好事之徒发你的身份以及你所共享的内容。
Social identity theory suggested that group identity was the basis of inter-group attitudes, ethnic identity was too strong to lead to negative intergroup attitudes. 社会认同理论认为群体认同是群体间态度的基础,过分的民族认同容易产生消极的民族间态度。
Please express the extent of overlapping of your personal identity with group identity. 请评价社群的特性与你自身特性的重叠程度。
This ticket contain the user's identity, and the group and organization to which the user belong. 此入场券包含用户身份、用户所属的组和组织。
The Study of Filipino-Chinese Secondary School Students 'Cultural Identity of Ethnic Group All existing non-African populations descend from them. 菲律宾华裔中学生族群文化认同调查研究现在所有非裔族群以外的人类,全都是这一小群人的后代。
It contains the user identity and group membership. 它包含用户标识和组成员身份。
Identity Consciousness in Reference Group and Its Cause of Formation; pertaining to or consisting of meteors or meteoroids. 参照群体下流动儿童的身份意识及成因关于流星、流星体或由流星、流星体组成。
In this paper, based on Weil Pairings, a new identity based group signature scheme is provided. 因此,基于椭圆曲线WeilPairings提出了一种新型的基于身份的群签名方案。
Historical Facts, Social Memory and Identity of Ethnic Group 历史事实·社会记忆·族群认同&以青海黄南吾屯土族为个案的研究
Identity Group and Ethnic Group in the Social Fission of the United States and Other Western Countries 美国等西方国家社会裂变中的认同群体与ethnicgroup
This work allows the group manager to let several proxies, such as an identity revocation committee, share the ability of revealing the identity of the group member by sharing the member's certificate. 设计了一种新的特性,允许设置若干个代理,例如身份公开委员会,通过共享群成员证书,来共享群成员的身份。
Let R_o be a rotation group passing through the original point. It is shown that there are 6 classes finite subgroups on the infinite group R_o except for the identity group. 过定点O的旋转群Ro是无限群,从视直线为旋转轴出发讨论,Ro的有限子群(除单位元群外)共有6种类型。
This article elaborated the concept and meaning of the identity of college logistics group, and discussed its value to modernize regional education. It also pointed out the existing problems and the developing strategic principle and countermeasures. 本文阐述了高校后勤集团形象的概念及其意义,论述了高校后勤集团形象对区域教育现代化的价值,指出了高校后勤集团形象建设中存在的问题,提出了高校后勤集团形象战略实施原则和对策。
Reshaping the Group Map among the Chinese People in Hongkong: Re-recognizing the Chinese migrants 'identity and the group construction 重塑香港华人的族群地图&华人移民认同和族群建构的再认识
Parents 'educational level produces no effects on the ethnic identity of every ethnic group. 父母亲的文化程度对各族群的认同不存在任何影响。
Secondly, the acceptance of Beijing has appreciable impact for social identity, group identity, regional identity and emotional identity. 第二,流入地接纳状况对流动老年人的总体社会认同、群体认同、地域认同和情感认同均具有显著影响。
The main motivation for people to interact, including the expression of personal identity, group ownership, and information needs and sharing. 而人们进行交往的动机主要包括个人身份的表达、群体的归属以及信息的需求与共享。
The identity for teachers group and their own individuals plays an important role in the education practice and professional development. 教师群体及个体对自身教师身份的认同对教师的教育实践和专业发展有重要的作用。
The definition of Ethnic identity is the group members 'cognitive and emotional attachment, while national identity is a sense of belonging of a country as a whole, encompassing its politics, culture, traditions, language ethnic and other elements of the assessment and emotional. 民族认同,是个体成员对自己所属民族的认知和情感依附,国家认同是国家公民对自己归属国家的认知以及对这个国家的构成,如政治、文化、族群等要素的评价和情感。
In recent years, researchers have proposed cultural frame switching model ( CFS) and made the interpretation and validation on behavior attribution bias of bicultural identity group ( BII) from the perspective of cultural dynamic consistency and multicultural adaptability. 近年来,研究者提出了文化框架转换模型(CFS),从文化的动态通达性和多元文化的适应性视角对双文化认同群体(BII)的行为归因偏好进行了研究。
Part four points out that identity of ethnic group is a solution to the ethnic conflict, and expounds that in detail from self-identity, social identity and national identity. 第四部分提供解决办法,指出族群认同是一种族群冲突的解决方案,并从族群自我认同、社会认同和国家认同三个方面对其进行了详细的阐述。
Cultural identity of a group which is the inclination of their cultural consensus and recognition of the cultural identity of the cross-border people reflected two levels: ethnic cultural identity and national cultural identity. 文化认同对一个群体来说是其文化的倾向性的共识和认可,由于跨界民族的文化认同都体现了两个层面:族群文化认同和国家文化认同。
Since the 20th century, the United States has become a more diverse multi-ethnic society because of industrialization, urbanization, and migration, etc, and Identity of ethnic group has become a major focus of its social development. 20世纪以来,由于工业化、城市化、移民等原因,美国成为一个更加多元的多族群社会,族群认同成为影响其社会发展的一大焦点。
Conflict with the outside groups will increase the identity of group members, and enhance group cohesion. Fifth, the interest margin strong cohesive groups, members of the group identity is high. 与外群体的冲突,会增加群体成员的身份认同,增强群体凝聚力。第五,趣缘群体的凝聚力较强,成员对群体的认同度较高。
So it is the need of city modernity to protect these cites because they are the heritage all the human beings, which can consolidate the cultural identity and group cohesion. 保护好这些历史文化遗产是城市自身现代化的需要,继承与光大这些遗产,可增强民族的文化认同感和凝聚力。
The social identity theory: social classifications, individual autonomy of the crowd is divided into ( I) groups and ( external) groups on the attitude of the group identity, group preferences and outside groups derogatory tendency. 社会认同理论认为:通过社会分类,个体会自主的将人群分为我(内)群体和他(外)群体,对我群的认同产生内群体偏爱和外群体贬损的态度倾向。